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January 26, 2015

Thompson Statement on GOP Border Bill Being Pulled

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the below statement on news that the Republican leadership has pulled H.R. 399 from consideration this week:

"I am pleased that the Republicans came to their senses and pulled H.R. 399 from consideration this week. They can blame inclement weather all they want – but we all know that it was the storm clouds over this bill and its murky prospects that are the real drivers. Interestingly, even the most extreme right wing elements of the House Republican Conference, which the bill was written for, could not get on board with this legislation. H.R. 399 talks tough but the longer folks had to look at it, the less there is to like. It calls for spending $10 billion on an unachievable goal that ignores most of our borders. I urge the Republicans to return to working towards a bipartisan solution so we can get real reform passed."

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